Laurie Leigh Antiques

Fine English & Irish Antique Glass

Georgian Decanters, Victorian Decanters, Claret Jugs and Wine Ewers

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W10870 Rare Art Nouveau pale green decanter with club shaped body and terraced shoulder. Original matching hollow blown disc stopper. Designed by Sir T. G. Jackson for James Powell & Sons, Whitefriars, London.
Circa 1890.

Height: 11 ins. Price: £495.00.

W10361 Superb gourd shaped decanter decorated in intaglio with fruiting vines over large basal plume pillars, on foot cut with fans. Original matching hollow blown gourd shaped stopper. Circa 1920.

Height: 14¼ inches.  Price: £425.00. 

W10520 Fine Georgian tapered decanter engraved with bows, spotted and emblazoned swags and stars. Lozenge stopper. Circa 1800.

Height: 12 inches. Price: Sold.

W10888 Fine pair of Georgian plain barrel shaped decanters with three blade neck rings. Lozenge stoppers. Circa 1810.

Height: 11½ inches. Price: £875.00.

W10820 Fine Georgian barrel shaped decanter with three annulated neck rings over broad shoulder flutes cut across with a horozontal band of mitre flutes above a broader band of triple mitre flutes and basal vertical broad flutes cut en suite. Star-cut mushroom stopper. Circa 1820.

Height: 10 inches. Price: £285.00.

W10873 Beautiful Victorian footed decanter, the neck finely engraved with scrollwork and key pattern between two spotted bands over the 'dagger' pattern, the ovoid body engraved with stylised anthemion and scrollwork over a band of stars and ovals above the 'dagger' pattern. Original matching hollow blown ovoid stopper. James Powell & Sons, Whitefriars, London. Ex Paul Kettle Collection. Circa 1860.

Height: 13½ inches. Price: £325.00.

W10878 Magnificent Georgian helmet shaped ewer cut with saw tooth rim and horizontal prisms over arcaded reserves of strawberry diamonds above a horizontal band of diamonds and basal horizontal prisms, on pedestal foot cut with radiating mitre flutes. Notched handle cut with interlocking mitre flutes. Circa 1820.

Height: 11 inches. Price: £995.00.

W10661 Rare Georgian barrel shaped magnum-sized decanter, the neck cut with vertical flutes between three plain neck rings over broad shoulder flutes and a horizontal prism above a band of diamonds, two horizontal prisms and basal fine vertical hollow comb flutes. Star-cut mushroom stopper. Capacity: 2 x 75cl bottles. Provenance: Corn Hall, Bures, Suffolk. Circa 1820.

Height: 11½ inches. Price: £875.00.

W10908 Beautiful Art Nouveau spirit decanter with writhen cylindrical body decorated spiral green and clear trailing below trefoil lip, on lobed foot. Original matching hollow blown spire stopper. Circa 1900.

Height: 12½ inches. Price: £425.00

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